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Every sex doll owner should consider their doll a lifetime investment. Moreover, if they want to be sure that their doll serves them for a long time, they actually need to take care of it or clean it appropriately. Maintaining a sex doll is not a big thing as usually people think so. They just need to follow some tips and suggestions from the experts to fulfill this purpose. Some specific tips are mentioned below that can surely help you keeping your doll clean and in best possible condition.

essential kit for cleaning your love doll

Mild liquid soap or antibacterial soap
Vaginal irrigator
Soft cloth (ideally microfibre)
Dry towel or chamois cloth
Powder or corn starch
Baby oil

Follow this step-by-step guide, and you can be sure your sex doll always stays clean and fresh.

Warning Tips:
1.Hot water might easily damage your real doll (especially the TPE one). That’s why we advise using medium temperature water.
2.Never submerge or spray water over the doll’s head. You don’t want your love doll to start molding or rusting.
3.If you can, try to take your doll’s head off before showering or bathing. Then, wrap a few layers of aluminum foil (or plastic) around the neck and seal it.
4.Never put your doll directly on the floor of a bathtub or shower, use a towel to prevent it from scratches.
5.Using unscented and mild antibacterial soap, gently rub the doll with your hands.
Remember to keep the metal parts dry.

How often should I clean my doll?
Unlike oiling, you should clean your love doll every time you’ve been intimate with her. Not only does it keep your sex doll in good shape, but it also saves you from getting an infection (especially when no protection used).

While we believe you can handle your sexy doll pretty well by yourself, we still find these tips useful for all love doll owners:

1.Get a doll with removable orifices to make the cleaning process easier.
2.Use male or female condom during sex to prevent liquid from spilling.
3.Lay or hang your doll first before oiling or powdering her.
4.If your doll has irremovable orifices, you can use tampons or a fan to help them dry.
5.Use a ratio of 1:5 soap to water.

While you should keep your doll clean, don’t forget about your hygiene. Make sure you showered before getting intimate with your sex doll. Our bodies’ natural oils and sweat can damage the doll’s skin over time.

General maintenance (dependant on use)
1.We recommend TPE dolls be oilde 3-4 times/year max. do not over oil.
2.Apply a very small amount of vaseline/petroleum jelly to high-stress areas e.g knees, inner groin and openings when neede.
3.Apply corn starch/flour to your sex doll before storing for long periods.
4.Do not use alcohol or silicone based products eg found in lubricants,wipes and perfumes.

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